Playing outside is super fun and the more you play outside, the more fun it gets. You'll meet new friends, learn new games, and have a great time!
Follow the Golden Rule
Play Safely
Handling Problems
- Be Kind: Treat others how you want to be treated.
Play Safely
- Stay in the Play Area: Don't wander too far. Ask your parents how far you can go.
- Ask First: Never go into anyone's house unless you've asked your parents first.
- Know Your Number: Know your parent's phone number or keep it with you.
- Stay Hydrated: Drink water, especially if it’s hot outside.
Handling Problems
- Stay Calm: If you get upset, take a deep breath and try to stay calm.
- Talk It Out: Use your words to explain how you feel and listen to others.
- Find a Solution: Work together to come up with a fair solution that everyone agrees on.
- Take a Break: If you can't agree, take a short break and try again later.
- Rock, Paper, Scissors: If you still can't agree, play rock, paper, scissors to decide.
- Ask for Help: If the problem continues, ask an adult for help.